brrr, its cold.

& what does the cold mean...

"thats it thats all" will get you SOL & wanting that pow-pow!
u gotta see this.


World Cup FEVER!!!

i was just doing my bit.
one cold, thursday morning.
cheering on the boys to victory.
2-1 vs Serbia was a tremendous feat.
in the midst of the emotion, 5 seconds was captured for all!
thankyou SBS.
see you again in 4.


with me.

"Our tendency in the midst of suffering
is to turn on God.
To get angry and bitter
and shake our fist at the sky
and say,
"God, you don't know what it's like!
You don't understand!
You have no idea what I'm going through.
You don't have a clue how much this hurts."

The cross is God's way of taking away all of our
and arguments.

The cross is God taking on flesh and blood and saying,
"Me too."


winter colour

wagstaffe, central coast
iphone// silvercross



“Every day an artist gets up and knows he has to run.

He has to run faster than the distant fragments of our time,

faster than the voices hemming him in,

telling him that however much he thinks,


writes or comunicates,

the system has already found a new way of drowning him out.

Faster than the army of pretentious pinheads boasting artistic bollox,

screaming their cheapskate anger, selling out for twenty seconds of fame,

filling their arses with gold so they can say I was there,

applauding midgets dressed up as giants.

He knows he has to chase ideals that have packed their bags

And run off to the nearest tourist haven or tax haven

and chase gods that ask for a discount on the rent on olympus

and apartments with a view of the clouds because,

if they look down, they say they get an urge to throw up.

Down here,

it’s all ours,

it all belongs to men and women,

but it’s common knowledge that we’ve never had a particular talent for doing things well.

Every day an artist gets up and knows he has to run.

What he doesn’t know,

perhaps, is that he doesn’t have to run …alone”.



saw these commercials for Old Spice in the states.
& every time i was in stitches.
tooo funny.

[get buff]

new music is one of the great things in life.
the local natives are uk lads.
& its well-good man!

"who knows who cares"


a Big Bear.


genuine is the answer.

Before you can inspire with emotion,
you must be swamped with it yourself.
Before you can move their tears,
your own must flow.
To convince them,
you must yourself believe.



write the future

was surprised the other day that still some have not seen Nikes world cup add.
well, here you go.
its brilliant... and has got the fever rising!
